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is looking for a place up to $250 / wk near Christchurch
listed 9 days ago

Ready to move in from


Looking for

Room in a flat

Looking for

Room in a flat

Stay duration

up to 18 months
from Canada

Hi! I'm a French Canadian woman on a 23 months working holiday visa. I moved to New Zealand for a new adventure. I was working as an accountant in Canada but I'm looking for a little break so I'm presently training to be a barista. I like to do outdoor activities, to go to cafes and to read. I'm looking for social flatmates with whom I can have a relaxing drink on a friday evening. However, please don't misunderstand, I'm not looking for a party flat :)

between gigs
About me
I'm looking for a flat with 2 or 3 other friendly flatmates who don't mind my french accent and can have a laugh. I would also preferably like to have a furnished room.
Preferred location
